May 1, 2014 no responses DC Girl Projects
I will be releasing a major update to Ultra-Arb tomorrow, but before I do, I’d like to try to answer a question I hear alot: Why did UltraCoin develop Ultra-Arb?
We have many goals with Ultra-Arb, some short-term and some long-term. What we think this product delivers is this:
1. We are able to provide value to the entire cryptocurrency community. All of us would like mainstream adoption of Ultracoin in the future. But for now, much of the community is made up of traders. So this is a gift to all traders, first and foremost.
2. Ultra-Arb lets us demonstrate the speed of Ultracoin. As one of the fastest coins available, it can be used to streamline arbitrage moves. This benefits the trader, and UTC, at the same time.
3. Ultra-Arb gives us the opportunity to show the top-notch technical talent of the UTC development team. We have big plans for Ultracoin. This shows the world we are capable of accomplishing those plans.
4. We also have structured Ultra-Arb to incorporate a premium, subscription model. We hope to use the funds generated from those subscribers to support our big development projects.
If you haven’t seen Ultra-Arb, you can find it at Ultra-Arb.
Before I sign off, I’d like to give a shout-out to everyone that is helping test this product. The response has been tremendous, and I am incorporating many, many of your suggestions.
And always remember this: the Force is strong with Ultracoin! DCGirl